In the field
A couple of other metrics I'd look at would be the following. Boundary Percentage of Bowlers I'll also look at the boundary percentage of our bowlers every few games, which can give some useful insights into how your bowlers are performing. The stats below are for 2-day cricket where fields may be a little more attacking at times but some of the numbers look very high. It enables me to have a debrief with the bowlers initially to get their views on the numbers. Wrong fields, too attacking, bowled at the wrong time, etc are all potential feedback that can then be discussed with the captain to improve on. Catching Completion Percentage Catching completion rate also gives great insight into who your better fielders are. Basically, have you got the right fielders in the hot spots on game day. Fielding Stats This one would be the job of the fielding coach but alas we mere mortals don't have one so it's either a case of DIY or find a parent/spectator to do this for you. The...